Elements of Cultural Heritage - Gold
His Royal Highness, king Gold! Enjoy! #Pigment #Pigmento #elements #ElementsofCulturalHeritage #gold #oro #gilding
Research sketches #1
A new coloumn for Archeobaleni followers! I will show you a few sketches of research on cultural heritage objects. Today a work about...
Elements of Cultural Heritage - Barium
Much more versatile than thought... Here you are, Barium! Enjoy! #Pigment #Pigmento #elements #ElementsofCulturalHeritage #Barium #Bario...
ULTRAVIOLET - Pantone Color of the year
What do you think about 2018 Pantone Color? Here you are the main pigments and dyes used in time to obtain the violet and purple shades....
Elements of Cultural Heritage - Manganese
Elements are back with the violet Manganese. Enjoy! #Pigment #Pigmento #elements #ElementsofCulturalHeritage #Manganese #Vetro #Glass...
Elements of Cultural Heritage - Nitrogen
Focus on two classes of nitrogen-bearing organic pigments and dyes. Enjoy! #Pigment #Pigmento #Blue #Blu #Dyes #Nitrogen #Azopigments...
Egyptian blue on the Crime Scene
It seems that they use ancient pigments at CSI ;) Learn more. Enjoy! #CSI #EgyptianBlue #BluEgizio #CrimeScene #Fingerprints #Pigment...