Very Interesting People 12 - Joost Thooft
A Very Important Person for Royal Delft ceramic manufacture: Joost Thooft. Enjoy! #VeryInterestingPeople #VIP #Delft #Porcelain #Ceramic...
Very Interesting People 11 - Willard Libby
Willard Libby, the Radiocarbon Dating father. Enjoy! #VeryInterestingPeople #VIP #Radiocarbon #Radiocarbonio #Carbon14 #Libby #Dating...
Very Interesting People 10 - Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro
Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro: an outstanding Italian woman. Enjoy! #VeryInterestingPeople #VIP #ICR #Restauro #Restauroarcheologico...
Very Interesting People 9 - Selim Augusti
To learn more about this Very Interesting and poorly known Person: - P. Bensi, M. Casaburo, M. Savastano, "Selim Augusti, un pioniere...
Very Interesting People 8 - William Henry Perkin
Speaking of organic dyes, here you are the Very Interesting Person who synthesized Mauveine: William Henry Perkin. Enjoy!...
Very Interesting People 7 - Cesare Brandi
Archeobaleni is back with a very important, very interesting person. Ladies and Gentlemen, Cesare Brandi! Enjoy! #VeryInterestingPeople...